No matter how much information you share with this crew member -- be it cruising guides, links to websites, magazine articles, or e-mails -- she can't be bothered to learn, much less form an opinion, about your sailing destination.  Once you get there, if you ask her what she wants to do, she says "Whatever."  Invite her to share in the planning, and she says "Whatever."  Find out what she'd like to eat, drink or cook, or whether she would like to go out to dinner (or where she would like to go), and her response is "Whatever."  You only discover that she has any opinions AFTER you've made a decision ... and she doesn't like it.

    "We happened to be with our crew in the BVI, a destination the Captain and I knew well, but our crew had never visited.  The night before our charter was to start, we looked to the others to find out where they wanted to go for dinner, or at least what they wanted to eat -- after all, they had gotten cruising guides.  After much shrugging of shoulders, the Captain and I chose C&F because it's OUR favorite place.  Only then did we find out that our crew didn't eat spicy food/seafood/local food."  WHATEVER!

    "Mr. and Mrs. Whatever offered zip input on provisioning ... nada.  When asked, they said they would eat "anything" and drink "any beer."  We ordered the heavy stuff -- drinks, beer, water, booze and some staples -- from Ample Hamper in Soper's Hole on arrival.  Mr. Whatever took pictures of boats in the marina and Mrs. Whatever went postcard shopping, while we bought meat and produce.  Not 5 minutes off the dock we found out we didn't have "spring water," had the wrong beer, hideous crackers, yuck cheese and all the wrong meats and veggies.  First night's secluded anchorage had to be changed so that they could eat dinner ashore.  Of course, they planned nothing toward our provisioning and had to go shopping for what they could tolerate!!!"  WHATEVER!

The Waterboy>>