Ms. Pitch-A-Fit lacks an escape valve to constructively vent her temper.  She has little or no experience of how things are done in the islands, much less on a boat.  The combination of the island sense of mañana, and the inherent quality of charter boats (and their sometimes inexperienced users) which makes them susceptible to breakdowns, is just too much for her to take.  This is her vacation, after all, and she expects it to be perfect; if it isn't, she may well threaten to collect her marbles and go home ("Please do!" you may want to shout...).  Do not, however, expect Ms. Pitch-A-Fit to pitch in and help fix things.  [NOTE:  Ms. Pitch-a-Fit is not to be confused with others on the boat who, once they've reached their breaking point of complaints and crew members from hell, totally lose it.  Ed.]

Ms. Pitch-A-Fit totally blows things out of proportion and can't roll with it.  No, the world is going to end right now, so she has to go BERSERK on everyone until they take care of her problem.  "No, I will not calm down, cannot calm down, don't YOU understand how horrible this is?  Everything is wrong!  Nothing is right!  When are YOU going to fix it?  When can I go home?!"

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